NEW Online Term Time Classes 2020
Sishu welcome you to join our NEW weekday online term time classes from Monday-Friday starting from Monday 20th April 2020 for the next Five Weeks. We will be covering Math’s, Chinese, and Art topics during our sessions, as well as our Professional Master Shifu joining us daily to host Kung Fu to ensure the children can benefit from some exercising while learning. Please see leaflets attached for further details.
We think this is a great chance to enhance children's progress in their courses and use this time to our benefit our knowledge while at home, by introducing more group classes through the week. We have planned interesting learning materials worksheet for each week for each of the following topics covered.
OFFER! For all students that have booked a group class or private tuition course with Sishu in the Summer Term 2020, you are eligible to join one free Kung Fu Class per week until Mid-Term. Don’t Miss Out!